Hydroelectric Power in Honduras

This hydroelectric project provides renewable energy to Honduras’ national grid, reducing the region’s reliance on carbon-emitting fossil fuels.

The power plant generates up to 23,000 megawatt hours of electricity per year, supporting the electricity requirements of more than 5,000 households. As wood is often burned for fuel in regional households, the project also contributes to reducing deforestation in the local environment.

Benefits of the project:

  • Reduced 25,500+ tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions from burning wood for fuel, by generating renewable hydroelectric power.
  • Generates 23,000 MWh of clean energy each year.
  • Creates 12 local jobs, hired locally within the region.
  • Provides 40,000 USD of in-kind social contributions to the community, including local infrastructure and schools.

Carbon offsets (also known as carbon credits) are a powerful tool for individuals and businesses to become carbon neutral. By purchasing carbon credits from emissions reducing projects in Australia and abroad, your net environmental footprint is reduced while also supporting community development, environmental protection and much more.

We independently assess emission-reduction projects to ensure the maximum impact from your carbon offsets. Using academic research from the Stockholm Environment Institute (a leading independent research institute for sustainable development), we assess each project to ensure it is:

Independently certified

All offsets are certified under independent, international accreditation programs (Gold Standard and VERRA VCS).

Socially responsible

All offsets have a positive social impact in addition to their environmental benefit (for example, poverty alleviation).

Net positive

Offsets must enable an emission-reducing project to be commercially viable. If the project would proceed without revenue from carbon offsets, the offset does not have an additional benefit to the climate.

Accurate and permanent

Offsets must accurately reflect one tonne of emissions reduced or removed from the atmosphere, be permanent emissions reductions, and be sold only once (not double counted).

Carbon Co. is managed by small team in Sydney. We founded Carbon Co. based on years of personal experience running technology businesses that purchased large volumes of carbon offsets: as a customer purchasing offsets, we realised that the carbon market was complex, misunderstood, but exceptionally powerful. We set out to make the carbon offsets accessible to retail customers and small businesses.

We carefully select the most effective emissions reduction projects worldwide, with our team (that is qualified in environmental science, law and finance) analysing projects before purchasing carbon credits on the global market on your behalf. We use our Impact assessment framework (based on leading academic research from the Stockholm Environment Institute to ensure that all projects and offsets have a real impact in combating climate change.

Transparency, accountability and efficacy are our core values. Our carbon offsets support only projects independently verified under international carbon offset standards (such as VERA), and we publish regular reports on our projects.

We are the first carbon offset provider in Australia to achieve a B Corporation certification, independently verified as a purpose-driven and socially responsible organisation. 

Purchase offsets

Hydroelectric generation (Honduras)

0 out of 5

$27.00 per tonne

tonnes CO2
Category: Carbon Offsets